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1. Sometimes we like to cuddle without being dry-humped / felt-up. If we want action, we'd come onto you first.

2. We don't care if you have other female friends, but when we're with you when you're around her and you completely ignore us, yes we do tend to get a little worried / jelous.

3. We don't care if you play on your Xbox / PS3 / whatever you have when we're around, but don't stay on it the whole time. Nothing's worse than sitting there watching someone play COD for six hours.

4. We hate it when you wont hold our hands or hug / kiss us when we're with you and your friends. It makes us feel like you're ashamed of us.

5. When we say we love you, we mean it.

6. When we actually make you a sandwich, that's proof right there that we love you. No girl would enforce the kitchen stereotype for any guy unless they really loved him.

7. We hate eating infront of you, it makes us feel fat. If you want us to eat more, make us a salad or something non-fatty.

8. We have sexual hormones just as strong as yours, we're just more cautious about having sex with you because we're the ones that can actually get pregnant.

9. NEVER say ANYTHING about ANY fat we have on our bodies. Your opinions mean a lot to us, if you mention something about our fat we'd end up starving ourselves to get rid of it for you.

10. No means no. When we don't want to do something [sexual] with you, don't beg us to or say "Pleeeease?". I makes us want to punch you.

11. We deal with a lot of your shit. Can you please not call us bitches when we're PMSing?

12. Never raise a fist to us. If you hit one of us, we will be scarred for life. There's nothing worse than the memory of an abusive relationship.

13. We love it when you pay for us, but don't pay for us on every occasion. When we take you out, we'd like to pay for your meal. :)

14. Unlike you, it actually hurts us when we loose our virginity. A lot. If a girl actually does let you be her first, you must be someone amazingly special to her.

15. We think it's cute when you pick outfits for us.

16. We like it when you tease us, but don't get too mean about it and don't carry on for too long, or we will get upset.

17. Don't lie to us. We know it's hard sometimes, but we'd rather know the truth.

18. We like late-night action. ;)

19. Don't embarass us in public, ever. Small things like yelling "Hi!" to someone across from you on a fair ride can really make us want to never be around you in public again.

20. Never cheat on us and expect us to not find out; because we will. Whether it be two hours, four months or fifteen years later, we will find out.

21. We love waking up to cute texts.

22. Text / call / facebook us first sometimes; otherwise we feel like we're annoying you.

23. We get jelous extreamly easily.

24. Kiss the base of our necks / throats, but don't pretend to be a vampire.

25. Don't cancle plans with us last minute, at least give us a days notice. You have no idea how long we sit there getting ready to go see you.

26. Never cancel two dates in a row, ever. It makes us feel like you're avioding us, and we'll most likely get mad.

27. Don't just ask us about our girl friends, or you will make us think you're going to ditch us for one of them. Ask questions about our guy friends too.

28. We don't care if you're friends with our friends, but if we break up you can't tell us to fuck off of the friends we introduced you to.

29. If you're going to come to us complaining, expect us to give you advice. If you don't want advice, go cry to one of your guy friends.

30. We usually don't care if you watch porn, but we don't like it when you watch it more than you actually do it with us.

31. If you're going to buy condoms, actually get the good kind (Trojan, ect) or we wont have sex. We'd rather not get pregnant, thank you.

32. We understand you need to spend some time with the guys, but a little call or text just saying "I love you:) ", will keep us happy for the rest of the day and you get your space.

33. If you notice us go tense / try to pull away when we're with you, stop what you're doing.

34. Don't try and force our hands down your pants. Biggest turn-off ever.

35. When we say we want to marry you, we actually mean it.


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